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More room for working safely
Tall apparatus needs a lot of space. Distillation and walk-in fume cupboards are ideal in this regard.
Distillation fume cupboards feature an especially low worktop, while walk-in fume cupboards provide enough room for large apparatus.

Higher interior for especially large apparatus, for example for distillation or preparative column chromatography
Two-part sash with two panes of laminated safety glass, end-to-end glazed or with a sliding pane

Distillation fume cupboard

Dimensions [mm] / Volume flow rate [m³/h]
** Alarm value
Walk-in fume cupboard

Dimensions [mm] / Volume flow rate [m³/h]
** Alarm value
General purpose fume hoods

Contact us
KT Eastern d.o.o.
VAT 113025131
Dolacka 16, 8 Belgrade
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